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A marvelous team of absolutely creative, loving, cooking masterminds craft Celebating Seniors events.  Each event has a fun theme, great decor, well-planned menu of home-cooked meals humorously tied to the theme, singing led by Carey Creed, presentations of personal stories and jokes.   Come join us Ye AARP-aged friends.  A taste of the themes: Picnic at the Park, Back to School Daze, Veteran's Day, April Showers, Winter Olympics, Cherry Blossom Time.


Attendance has stayed high throughout our years and the joy keeps growing. Thanks to the committee who plan, set up, cook, and clean up.











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Rockville United Church
355 Linthicum St.
Rockville, MD 20581

Tel: (301) 424-6733

Join us for Worship Sundays at 10:45 a.m. with fellowship afterward.

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